Data Analytics Professional Certificate

TechXtramile has partnered with Google to bring you access to the Google: Data Analytics Professional Certificate

Hosted on Coursera, this fully online program provides all the skills you need to find an entry-level job in the field of data analytics. Data Analysts prepare, process, and analyze data to help inform business decisions. They create visualizations (such as graphs, charts, dashboards) to share their findings with stakeholders and provide recommendations driven by data.


There are 8 courses in this professional certificate. Each course is approximately 4-6 weeks long. Courses include:


  1. Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere
  2. Ask Questions to Make Data-Driven Decisions
  3. Prepare Data For Exploration
  4. Process Data from Dirty to Clean
  5. Analyze Data to Answer Questions
  6. Share Data Through the Art of Visualization
  7. Data Analysis with R Programming
  8. Data Analytics Capstone Project: Complete a Case Study


You’ll learn about:

  • Data types and structures
  • Using data to solve problems
  • How to analyze data
  • Data storytelling with visualizations
  • Using R Programming to supercharge your analysis


See Certificate Curriculum


Potential Jobs

  • Junior Data Analyst
  • Associate Data Analyst
  • Junior Data Scientist
  • Finance Analyst
  • Operations Analyst
  • Data Technician
  • Business Performance Analyst
  • Marketing Analyst
  • Healthcare Analyst


Median U.S. Salary: $74,000 USD

Sources: Google ( | TechXtramile | Coursera

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